Wednesday, June 04, 2008

More stuff-ups is just full of interesting weirdness today, here are my two personal favourites.

From an article about Senator Obama winning the Democrat nomination:

"Excerpts of Senator Obama's speech were released prior to him taking the stage, but his first personal claim of victory came in a post he sent to his Twitter feed.  'IN St Paul, MN speaking after securing the nomination,' he tweeted."

I am sorry, but nobody seriously believes that the charismatic senator is responsible for writing his own twitter feed! There is some campaign flunky knocking these out as part of their media blitz duties.

At least they got their terminology right ... you tweet via Twitter.

The other I saw was a snippet advertising one of their video reports on a very serious issue:


'Doubling' and 'jumping by 50 per cent' are not the same thing. Perhaps someone with some maths sense should have checked that one for typos first? As it is I have no desire to wait for their ads to load before watching this story, so I'm still not sure how big the jump is, but it sure is worrying.

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