Friday, July 02, 2004

Great SharePoint Blogs

There are a number of great SharePoint bloggers around. As I am leaving my current workplace, I won't have access to the SharePoint sites we had created to track these bloggers' efforts. So for my own sake (and perhaps your interest) I'll list some of the better ones here.

Jan Tielens' Bloggings
.Net, InfoPath, BizTalk, Web Services and SharePoint - good stuff with relevant screenshots. Notable additions include:
* Workflow Lite for SharePoint
* SmartPart for SharePoint (enables GUI design for web parts)

Bryant Likes's Blog
Has developed a set of SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services web parts.

Tim Heuer's Blog
Great web part guru, offers lots of stuff for free, the best of which is his free RSS feed reader.

Patrick Tisseghem's Blog
A .Net developer who covers a lot of stuff on building web parts, using InfoPath and general .Net.

Sig Weber's Playground (aka. "Extreme SharePoint'ing" or: doing more with less)
A .Net developer doing lots of stuff with SharePoint, Exchange, IE, Outlook, Office and Windows - especially 2003 editions of those. BTW, his site runs on WSS.

Stramit's SharePoint Blog
SPS and WSS material. He has done a GUI tool for the smigrate.exe tool called GuiSMigrate and another for the spin.exe (document import tool) called GuiSpin.

Mike Walsh's WSS Blog

Some useful material, but he seems to concentrate mainly on his WSS FAQ.

Some particularly good FAQ sites exists as well:

Windows Sharepoint Services FAQ
Mike Walsh's WSS FAQ site, and one of the largest. Can be confusing to find what you want, but is generally a good starting point.

WSS Demo Site (developer FAQ)
Ian Morrish's WSS demo site, has lots of articles on development, tracks the latest SharePoint KB articles from Microsoft, etc.

SharePoint Portal Server FAQ
Great FAQ for anyone using SPS (2001 or 2003).

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    Glad you like the blog! Stramit site does seem to be down. I'll contact you via email with regards to whether I have a copy of GuiSMigrate still.
