Saturday, July 17, 2004

Microsoft Portal and Integration Airlift Days 2 & 3

OK, I've now completed the second and third days of the Microsoft Portal and Integration Airlift, or at least the bits I managed to attend between stomach bug and need to pack boxes to move this weekend!

I'd like to post a lot of the new ideas that came out of it - but my wife has reminded me that it's VERY LATE and that I need to come to get to sleep right now! So I'll put some up tomorrow, or Sunday.

The gist of it will be that MCMS is interesting, but is much more interesting when mixed with WSS/SPS 2003, and that there are some vendor products that can make life much easier for WSS developers (Metalogix's Migration Manager) and that can offer some nice digital asset management features on top of WSS (Scene7 for SharePoint 2003).

There were also some SharePoint and CMS questions that Clayton Peddy answered, and some other questions (like license-free readers for InfoPath*) that other attendees pitched in on.

* If you're from UniqueWorld I would really like to find out more about that InfoPath reader for ASP.NET ...


  1. OK, it's Sunday, the southerlies are blowing, it's cold and miserable and I'm behind on packing for tomorrow - so the rest of the Airlift material will have to wait a couple of days until the computer is setup at the new house ... sorry! :-)

  2. In response to my own last question I finally typed in the URL I was given at the airlift exactly as it was given to me, which is how I found out more about the InfoView tool.
